Our champions
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- Aeberhard Daniel Social Table
- Alder Mark Rhetoric
- Ambühl Chantale Hair & Style
- Baer Christoph Classic Cars
- Bähler Roger Coffee
- Bärtsch Christian Food
- Basso Paolo Wine
- Beer Lucia Confectionery
- Bernhard Reto Theatersport
- Bianco Patrick Jazz
- Bischoff Karin Textile Couture
- Böni Keller Sabrina Restaurant Services
- Bruhin Christian Agriculture
- Brütsch Family Pumpkin
- Buchard Marcel Agriculture
- Busslinger Andreas Photography
- Cappelli Pietro Panettone
- Cardoso Jorge Chocolatier and Pâtissier
- Cornu Laurent Artiste-Fermenteur
- Depéry Singal Luigi Watches
- Di Giorgio Mirko Figaro and Stylist
- Dobler Andreas Ski
- Duss-Selzer Angela Gastronomy services
- Duss-Selzer Steven Cooking
- Dutruy Christian und Julien Winemaker
- Estoppey Guy Cooking
- Freudiger Nicholas Eduardo Watches
- Friedli Manuel Farrier
- Fries Reto Bakery and confectionery
- Füger Fabian und Raphael Bakery and confectionery
- Fukahori Emi Coffee
- Gämperli Christoph Seeds
- Gessner Michael Werkheim
- Glatthard Melchior Rhetoric
- Gygax Gägxu Jürg Kegeln
- Hafner Roger Jassen
- Hagspiel René Toys Finance
- Haldimann Christian Bowls
- Harp Görkem Flair Bartender
- Hart Monica Artiste-Fermenteur
- Hassler Hans Music
- Heiner Thomas und Cordula Schnapsmacherei
- Heinzer Max Fechtsport
- Heinzer Michael Media Print
- Henchoz Family Crème renversante
- Hotz Family Agriculture
- Hromkovic Juraj Computer Science Education
- Imhof Andi Nationalturnen
- Immoos Belinda Kegeln
- Keller Stephan Winery
- Klingler Petra Climbing
- Knellwolf Monika Landfrau
- Kölbener Marco Cooking
- Kressibucher Ewa Agriculture
- Künzler Patrik Limbic Life
- Kuster Andreas und Charlotte Food
- Leanza Pietro Cooking
- Lemarquis Geoffroy Maître Chocolatier
- Loretz Simon Media Print
- Ludwig Felicia Patissière
- Lüthi Edi Meat
- Metzger Susanne Science Education
- Mochalov Konstantin Snacks
- Muff Claudia Accordionist
- Mulhauser Cédric Watches
- Mumenthaler Patrick Cooking
- Neuweiler Solvai Jewelry
- Nutzeblum Julien, Katja, Sascha Yoga
- Nydegger Jennifer Coffee
- Oliveira Christian Cooking
- Paganini Nicolò Piccoli Frutti
- Porro Lukas Bier
- Quinn Nolan Jazz
- Räber Urban J. Beer and water
- Rehmann Benjamin Bakery and catering
- Rohrer Philipp Quizzing
- Scherrer Lukas Design Intelligence
- Schillig Christian Bakery and confectionery
- Schmid Reto Bakery and confectionery
- Schmutz Willi Chocolatier
- Schneider Michael Cooking
- Schümperli Jacob Gastronomie Event
- Schwander Martin Meat
- Schwarz Martin Chocolatier
- Sidler Carol Textile Couture
- Sigrist-Wehren Heidi Café Chocolatier
- Solenthaler Konrad Biber-Bäckerei
- Sollberger Kevin Adventure bakery
- Soltermann Jürg Kegeln
- Spiegel Jürgen Textile
- Spycher Michu Michael Cheese
- Stäbler Raphael Natural Products
- Stalder Martin Meat
- Sutter Thomas Furniture design
- Team Brändi Products Games Household Outdoor
- Theis Mathieu Coffee
- Triacca Marco Winemaker
- Vifian Christian Education
- Volpe Adriano Mixology Bar Cocktails
- Von Wattenwyl Stewy Jazz pianist
- Wäfler Peter Farrier
- Walch Andy Bartender
- Waldburger Dano Ski
- Walther Jean-Michel Winemaker
- Walther Reto Cooking
- Weibel Christian und Oliver Sake
- Wick Martina Restaurant Services
- Wirz Hansruedi, Beat, Nicola Fruit farming and distillery
- Wohlgenannt Gottried Textile
- Wolfisberg François Bakery pastry
- Z'graggen Alex und Daniel Distillery
- Zapata Roman Flair Bartender
- Zeberli Stefan Ballooning
- Zemp-Meier Ramona Flowers florist
- Zimmerli Markus Bakery and confectionery
- Zumbrunn Rino Cooking
- Zünd Manuel Cooking
- Zürcher Daniel und Ursula Spezialitätenbrennerei Distillerie